2019 Year in Review

Eric Johnson

Generally a good year. Had ups and downs but ended positively I think. Got promoted and a raise which was good (now time to hedge lifestyle inflation).

Huge change for me this year was losing over 30 pounds and really shifting my lifestyle. I think I am more confident overall because of this, feel better about myself, and have more confidence in my ability to reach other goals as well. I’m really happy people supported me in this, and that I was able to see that goal through the end.

I wanted to include a note about simplicity. I have been working on simplifying different aspects of my life. I want to have less apps, less commitment (like groups/events to attend), less stuff, etc. I think this is valuable right now for me, in that my most valuable asset is my brain and the more I am able to let it focus on important things, the better. Am I the right person to judge importance/priority? Maybe not, but can’t get better at that without trying.

I am really excited about sports/analytics/gambling space. Also really excited about the real estate space. I am less excited about machine learning and AI. I do get excited about building/internalizing robust data driven processes, that we can use to leverage/upend existing systems. What I am trying to say is that I don’t want to solve a problem (e.g. betting on hockey) with machine learning for the sake of using ML, but I want to get good at understanding the data, the math, and some coding to be able to leverage those tools to make good decisions, insights. I think this is the future and I want to be on top of this wave.


Goals from 2019:

2019 Weight plot

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