2018 Resolution

Eric Johnson

In 2018 I want to commit to reading and writing more. I already read regularly and write occasionally, but most of my reading comes from random articles on Twitter or HackerNews. I want to make my writing and reading more focused. I am going to commit to reading something substantial (a book, a paper, a journal, etc.) and working to write a detailed review/reaction/summary each month of 2018. So next December I should have 12 books under my belt and 12 detailed articles about the corresponding books that you could read here on this site. Reading an entire book on a topic (instead of a short article online) will push me to get a deeper understanding, and writing should help me to get better at formalizing and expressing thoughts in my head and things I have learned from my reading. I am writing this post to timestamp my goal. If anyone is reading this and wants to join me in my monthly goal of reading and writing, let me know on twitter and we could follow each other’s progress throughout the year. Check back each month to see if I have been able to keep up with my resolution. Happy new year!

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